Law firms take care of some of the most private, personal and sensitive information. Many people put a lot of trust into them to protect their personal documents, but often, hackers are able to get past the minimal security that many firms have put into place. Typically, lawyers tend to rely on email for a lot of their internal and external communications, which is a very easy target for many cybercriminals.
Cybercriminals target law office email communications
The National Law Review points out how many hackers often take advantage of the stolen information they have gathered, and they use it in an attempt for their own financial gain. It's especially important for law firms to keep their email information safe so they can ensure confidentiality and their integrity as well.
The American Bar Association's Legal Technology Resource Center came out with a survey measuring the different uses of technology by law firms. The survey found that 26% of lawyers reported a breach at their firm, and there are a lot of reasons behind this. A lot of law firms aren't securing their cloud technology after going digital (the ABA found that 58% of firms use cloud technology), and 59% of those who go digital don't change their security practices after switching to the cloud. Wrapping up the statistics, they found that only 35% of lawyers take advantage of more than one security measure, and 14% using the cloud don't have any preventative security measures in place at all.
How does digitizing documents solve this?
So, with all the cybercriminals looking to steal legal information, how is document management helping? Above the Law breaks it down into four points of value: to the user, the information, the organization and comprehensive security.
1. The user: digitizing documents makes it easier for users to retrieve information, empowering them through the ease of access.
2. The information: it adds smarter capabilities to improve the merit of the information.
3. The organization: it helps legal organizations with their efficiency and productivity. Thus, bringing them better results.
4. Comprehensive security: with both internal and external threats, need-to-know security can protect against unwanted visitors.
Overall, there are a lot of security threats that law offices have to deal with, and document management can help to safely modernize your firm.