How can small businesses get a better handle on document management?

How can small businesses get a better handle on document management?

How can small businesses get a better handle on document management?

When small businesses are trying to free up some floor space and simultaneously give their staff greater access to a wealth of information, they would be wise to turn to document management platforms. By relying on properly aligned workflows and the ongoing use of advanced scanning technology, they may be able to free up more hours than they realize.

Such an effort starts with backfile scanning and digitization to initiate document management processes, according to After all, companies may have years' or even decades' worth of files that could be pulled up, so having them all in one searchable, easily accessible repository is a great way to start such an effort off on the right foot.

Getting it right
Of course, with any bulk scanning effort of a full file cabinet's worth of documents – or more – there are bound to be errors, so that everything is put into the system and sorted as accurately as possible, the report said. This can certainly take time and effort, especially because employees may have to devote hours to removing staples, paper clips and the like even before they review the files to make sure they're being properly sorted and categorized.

At the same time, decision-makers also have to think about the ways in which they will grant access to certain data and secure the files that may have sensitive information contained within them, the report said. This is where setting up proper workflows and getting a handle on organization is a must.

The right equipment
While you may not need a big scanner capable of handling files in large quantities, you may still get an abundance of paper documents that need to be scanned into your system, according to Business Now. Consequently, you will need to invest wisely in the right document scanner for the job.

The problem many smaller companies might have is that they don't necessarily know what constitutes the right scanner for them, the report said. For some, the more flexible portable options might be preferable, while others would benefit from desktop models that have more features but are also bulkier and more expensive.

There's certainly no one-size-fits-all answer to finding the right kind of scanner or solution, but document management is an increasingly savvy – and vital – investment for any small business hoping to take the next step as an organization. A little research will likely go a long way toward ensuring success on this front.