What law firms need to know about document management right now
The novel coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally altered the ways in which many businesses conduct their normal operations, at least temporarily, and law firms are certainly part of that reality. For that reason, many will likely have to rethink their typical strategies for managing documents and workflows, and find new solutions that work for all involved.
For one thing, when it comes to making sure any legal documents are error-free before they're filed or sent to clients, it may be wise to have more eyes look it over, according to Law360. After all, errors may get past one or two proofers – especially when they're working from home – but if three or four are looking over a given document, the odds a mistake slips through the cracks are minimal.
Getting it right
With a comprehensive document platform and strategy in place, it's easier to keep tabs on all files, including the chain of custody, who made edits, who looked it over and for how long and more, the report said. With more monitoring in place and additional eyes on every process around document management, there is a significant reduction in the chance of mistakes, errors or malpractice.
However, you will also need to make sure your platform is properly safeguarded when accessing sensitive files from remote locations, the report said. With a comprehensive cybersecurity plan properly codified and communicated, there's no room for ambiguity around everyone's responsibilities.
Assess your needs
No two law firms are alike and, as such, your document management needs may vary from those of practices that are similar in many other respects, according to the American Bar Association Journal. For that reason, when you're looking at new avenues for handling your document management needs due to the need to handle more remote work, you should evaluate all options – not only for management but also initiating workflows or scanning physical documents into the platform – to make sure you aren't left without a solution that fits your needs.
And while such investment may not necessarily seem judicious based on the temporary nature of the current lockdowns, the fact is that having such infrastructure in place will be good news for your practice whether you're working out of a single location or continue remote efforts for some time to come.